Monday, September 26, 2011

Warning: Get Some Sleep!

For the past few months, I've been logging my hours of sleep per night and also my general mood for the day and I've begun to see a correlation. Although this is no mystery that people that lack sleep are generally more irritable and stressed, I believe these are merely the symptoms of the bigger problem: weakening of our self control.

When I lack sleep, I find that I become undisciplined and give into my impulses and whims. I am unable to resist foods that I shouldn't eat, I cut my exercise routines short and I can't reign in my negative emotions (fear, anger, frustration, etc). I also can't control what I want to say despite knowing the consequences. Being in this state is a vicious cycle that leads to bad decisions and actions which leads to even more frustration not only because of the situation itself but my apparent in ability to stop the downward spiral.

The oft quoted line of the Greek Stoic, Epictetus, "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.", truly holds the secret to happiness. Unfortunately when I lack sleep, I no longer have control of my reactions. Now this doesn't mean that I should not be held responsible for my actions because I definitely am accountable. I lack sleep due to the choices I make (working late, hanging out with friends, waking up early, etc). The good thing is that now that I have made this connection between sleep and self control, it impresses upon me the importance of a good night's rest and on the occasions that I don't get enough sleep, I need to be extra cautious of the things I do and say and be more vigilant with myself. 

Now for all of you statisticians that argue correlation is not causation, you are correct. At the same time, my belief is no "cum hoc ergo propter hoc" (latin for correlation proves causation) but rather a function of my experience and intuition. Not very scientific but you always have the choice to agree or disagree with my views.

For those who has experienced the connection between sleep and self control and want to improve their sleeping habits, here is a link on How to Sleep Better.

Ok, time for me to get ready for bed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Be Individual! Be on the edge...always

In this society, most people blend in because that is what is easy and comfortable. Everyone wants to belong to a group (even those who claim they don't want to conform to a group belong to a group that "doesn't like conforming to groups"). But what is valuable (something/someone that creates real value) is not conformity and people who always stay within their comfort zone but rather those who push to their outer limits and test themselves by being always on the edge of failing. The ones who truly succeed are the one that actually push so far that they fall off the edge and fail but know that it is a necessary step if they always want to expand their potentials.

In light of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, where many people lost their lives due to no fault of their own, it serves as a painful reminder to not waste the time we have because we really do not know how much we have. I encourage everyone to

Live, Work, Eat, Sleep, Play, Read, Pray, Love on the edge.

Enough of the somber. Here is a video by an artist working on the edge (Perfect for fans of creativity, breakdancing and cinematography). Enjoy!